Everyone has a mantra…
…Whether you’re aware of it or not. It’s just the way our brains work. You may be lucky, and inherently have a mantra such as, “Dang, I’m awesome”. Or, like most of us, you may have a negative mantra.
I’m too fat… I’m not as pretty… I don’t have what they have… negative thoughts that shape our opinion of ourselves and cemented by repetition. We act out of negative thoughts/behaviors and make them a reality.
Until you become aware of the fact that your mind is constantly spinning and producing thoughts, you can’t change it.
The beauty of this? You can change your personal mantra.
You can switch your negative thoughts to positive ones… and trust us, this will have a profound affect on your life.
Use the table of contents to navigate through this article more easily:
What is Mantra Meditation?
A mantra is a word or phrase repeated in a prayer or meditative way.
In Sanskrit, the word mantra can be broken down to “the root man- meaning ‘to think’ (also in manas ‘mind’) and the suffix -tra meaning ‘tool’, hence a literal translation would be ‘instrument of thought’.”
The repetition of a mantra is thought to affirm its meaning to ourselves and change our thought process. It has the potential of cementing a belief into our core being.
This is why I found mantra meditation to be so powerful.
Whenever I find myself drifting into a negative thought pattern, I simply switch my mantra to a positive statement. Something that empowers me and has a positive affect on my day!
Mantras tend to be short so they’re easy to remember and say repeatedly.
They can be a scripture from the Bible (or any holy text), an inspirational quote, or even a word that has no meaning or significance.
The concept behind mantra meditation…
is that your focus will lie solely on repeating a mantra. Therefore, your mind will have little time to fluctuate and produce new thought patterns.
Right now, this may sound impossible. And I get it! I used to feel that way.
Even when you start meditating… it’s HARD.
Your mind will drift off to something someone said, what you want to eat for lunch, what you’re going to wear to work, etc.
Mantra meditation makes it easier to concentrate on one thing because you have a mantra to bring your focus back to. Anytime your mind starts to drift, you can simply shift back to the mantra.
Mantra Meditation originated…
…in the Vedic religion of India.
It became a foundational part of the Hindu, Buddhist, Sikhism, and Jainism traditions.
Now it’s used in various religions, even meditation and yoga practices around the world.
How to Mantra Meditate
Here are a couple important tips to get you started on your mantra meditation journey:
1. Pick a Mantra: Check out our list of mantras below, or make up a mantra of your own! It doesn’t need to make sense, or even be a real word.
Just find something that speaks to you, helps you grow stronger, or helps you to calm your mind and focus.
2. Find a comfortable seat: I typically cross my legs and sit with my back against the wall. You may want a blanket under your butt, or across your legs for warmth.
The most important factor in your setting, is finding a place where you wont be disturbed – a place where you can focus and take some personal time!
3. Take a deep breath and close your eyes: Begin to relax your body and mind.
4. Start repeating your mantra in your head: I suggest meditating without a timer. Try naturally rolling out of your mediation when you feel it’s complete.
I typically meditate for about 20 minutes.
5. Know that your mind will drift. It’s inevitable. Our minds are constantly fluctuating. You will loose focus on your mantra and start thinking about other things.
Don’t worry! Just relax and shift your focus back to your mantra.
Over time this part will get easier and easier!
Mantra Examples
Without further ado, we present to you our top Mantra Examples.
We’ve broken this section down into three categories of mantras:
- Sanskrit Mantras
- Buddhist Mantras
- Mantras for Meditation
I typically choose a mantra from the mantra for meditation category, as they’re just easier for me to say and understand.
We hope you find this list of mantras inspiring and a helpful way for you to get started on your meditation journey!
What’s your favorite mantra to mediate to? Let us know in the comments below!
Sanskrit Mantras
Sanskrit is “an ancient Indo-Aryan language that is the classical language of India and of Hinduism” (source)
“Hindu tradition heralds it as ‘the language of the gods’” which is why it’s “the vehicle of a vast and varied literature from epics and poetry to Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain religious and philosophical texts” (source)
Here are a few of the most famous mantras from the Sanskrit language:
- “Aum” or “Om”
Translation: “In Hinduism is known to be the source of all mantras. Om is believed to be the primordial or the ‘first’ sound of the universe generated by the cosmic vibration that resulted in all creation” (source)
- Om Namah Shivaya
Translation: “I honor the God within”
- Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
Translation: “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all” (source)
- Shanti Mantra
Om Saha Naavavatu
Saha Nau Bhunaktu
Saha Veeryam Karavaavahai
Tejasvi Aavadheetamastu Maa Vidvishaavahai Om
Translation: “May the Lord protect and bless us. May he nourish us, giving us strength to work together for the good of humanity. May our learning be brilliant and purposeful. May we never turn against one another” (source)
Buddhist Mantras
The primary use of Buddhist mantras is not for meditation (although they’re sometimes used in this manor).
The “chanting of a [Buddhist] mantra is thought to evoke enlightenment.” (source)
Enlightenment is what “Buddhists seek to reach nirvana… a state of transcendence free from suffering, desire and the cycle of death and rebirth” (source)
Check out these Buddhist Mantras to see if they help you on your journey to enlightment.
- Om Mani Padme Hum
Translation: This a Tibetan Mantra called the Avalokitesvara Mantra, which “invokes the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion” (source)
- Oṃ Amideva Hrīḥ
Translation: Amitabha Mantra, which “protects you from dangers and obstacles, and overcomes all hindrances to your success. The mantra enhances your compassionate and loving nature bringing incredible blessings each time you recite the mantra” (source)
List of Mantras for Meditation
This list of mantras for meditation has been gathered from different inspirations, quotes and sayings.
I think they’re a great reminder of what is important and what we should focus on:
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7. Be with those who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you
8. Anxiety is contagious. And so is calm.
9. May my heart be kind my mind fierce and my spirit brave.
10. Expect nothing and appreciate everything.
11. Create a life you can be proud of
12. Don’t say maybe if you want to say no
13. Breathe in, I send myself love. Breathing out, I send love to someone else who needs it.
14. Be a warrior, not a worrier
15. Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today
16. Be in love with your life. Every minute of it.
17. Everyday is a second chance.
18. Commit. Succeed.
19. Don’t give up what you want the most for what you want right now.
20. Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody
21. Die with memories not dreams
22. I am free from sadness
23. How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you
24. Don’t be afraid to give up the good and go for the great
25. Don’t ruin a good today by thinking about a bad yesterday. Let it go.
26. Choose purpose over perfect.
27. Don’t give up. Great things take time.
28. I give myself permission to slow down
29. I am enough
30. Be someone who makes you happy
31. Don’t stress the could haves. If it should have, it would have
32. Confidence is something you create within yourself by believing in who you are
33. Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.
34. I’m going to make the rest of my life the best of my life.
35. I am the change
36. Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow
37. Find a way or make one
38. Everything I need is within me
39. A negative mind will never give you a positive life
40. It is ok to say no to unnecessary crazy.
41. I love myself
42. Accept what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be
43. I am present now
44. Feel the fear and do it anyway
45. All progress takes place outside your comfort zone
46. Life doesn’t get easier you just get stronger
47. I can and I will
48. Find yourself and be that
49. I am present within myself. I can center myself with the ease of my breath. I feel grounded, confident, worthy and whole
50. Feelings are not facts
51. How beautiful is it to stay silent when someone expects you to be enraged
52. I am free from anger
53. I write my destiny
54. I will not stress myself out about things I can’t control or change
55. I love myself, I believe in myself, I support myself
56. I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
57. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you
58. Life is a gift. Wake up everyday and realize that.
59. I’m thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength
60. Its up to you to find beauty in an ugly day
61. Positive mind positive life
62. Inhale the future, exhale the past
63. Learn to say no without explaining yourself
64. Life is about moments: don’t wait for them, create them.
65. In me I trust.
66. Live less out of habit and more out of intent
67. Remember when you forgive, you heal. And when you let go, you grow.
68. Just ride this wave
69. May the space between where I am and where I want to be inspire me
70. My life isn’t perfect but I’m thankful for everything I have
71. Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself
72. Never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings
73. Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive
74. Let go of the “what ifs”
75. Revive your light. Manifest your dreams. Realize your worth.
76. Never stop doing your best just because someone doesn’t give you credit
77. Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life.
78. Self-confidence is the best outfit, rock it and own it
79. The discontent and frustration that you feel is entirely your own creation
80. Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth
81. Sometimes putting yourself first isn’t selfish but necessary
82. The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.
83. The only person who is going to give you security and the life you want is you.
84. When it rains look for rainbows. When it’s dark look for stars.
85. What’s meant to be will always find a way
86. Ultimately I can only control myself
87. The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become
88. Stay humble. Work hard. Be kind.
89. Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change
90. Train your mind to see the good in everything
91. The only person you should try to be better than… is the person you were yesterday
92. Worrying wont stop bad stuff from happening, it just stops you from enjoying the good
93. You don’t get the same moment twice in life
94. Yesterday is not today
95. The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see beautiful in others
96. You can if you think you can
97. When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate, when life is bitter, say thank you and grow
98. You were born to be real, not to be perfect
99. What consumes your mind, controls your life